Désirée Park

Emerita Professor of Philosophy
Concordia University
Montréal, Québec

Member of Common Room
Wolfson College
University of Oxford
Oxford, England




There are two main areas of my current research.


One is concerned with the principles that have sustained representative government in modern history. An example is the paper entitled:


"Statutory Toleration : The Philosophical

Foundations of 'The Quebec Act,1774'".


It is presented here in full. (See Quebec Act).


Some of the papers listed in the Select Bibliography deal with principles of government as well.



The analysis of concepts is a second area of interest. Some of these concepts appear in political discourse and often are made ambiguous by politicians for their own purposes. Anyone can identify this form of deceit without difficulty.


Other concepts are those having to do with sensory information, various kinds of perspectives and what is meant by choice. Some of the papers listed develop these ideas. The books on Berkeley and perception take up these subjects in more detail.


In progress: a text tentatively entitled Forget Not the Citizen!: Human rights in a Pluralist Society. In this study it is my purpose to make the issues clear, and to indicate the range of choices that are available to the citizens in a rational and well-meaning society.
